Articles & Resources Articles by Dona A. Durham, PhD The Homework Opportunity, Tumbleweeds, Spring 2016 (PDF) Running Towards the Goal, Tumbleweeds, Fall 2016 (PDF) Spanish version: Cómo lograr su objetivo, Tumbleweeds, Fall 2016 (PDF) New Mexico Resources Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Southwest Branch of International Dyslexia Association SWIDA UNM Center for Developmental Disabilities Education for Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs (EPICS) Project National Support Organizations Children and Adults with Attention Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) International Dyslexia Association (IDA) Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity Council for Exceptional Children Learning Disabilities Association of America LD OnLine Autism Speaks Autism Society Other Resources Learning Ally: Audiobooks Association of Educational Therapists Social Thinking: Michele Garcia Winner ADDitude (Inside the ADHD mind) Reading Rockets/Learning Disabilities